


As a sister organisation of the Urban China magazine, URBAN LAB 8 is a flexible, innovative research team that shares resources with the Urban China Research Center (UCRC). The team employs a cross-disciplinary approach to offers critical observations and in-depth studies of urban discourses surrounding commercial space, urban regeneration, and future urban communities, with expertise in architecture, urban planning, art and design, real estate development, cultural studies, social sciences, and geography. The team consists of accomplished professionals from diverse academic backgrounds, graduated with degrees from globally renowned institutions such as Harvard GSD, the Architectural Association, Tsinghua University, China University of Mining and Technology, and Ningbo University. Their extensive experience in planning, media, design, and other related fields contribute to a versatile and competent research team. Moreover, the team has established a strong collaboration network with over 50 young scholars from prestigious architecture and urban planning schools worldwide, providing a diverse and dynamic urban research database. Apart from publication and new media, URBAN LAB 8 also engages in urban development through various types of practices, such as urban and rural planning, project consultation, exhibition curation. The team provides clients with a broad range of services related to urban planning, real estate planning, neighbourhood renewal, and ancient town revitalisation.












2017, Publication: Urban China Issue 78 – Hyper-Malls: The Dissolving Boundaries of Enclosed Shopping Spaces in the City

2018, Publication: Urban China Issue 83 – Wenzhou: The Prospect of Urban Development under Late Modernization

2018, Publication: Urban China Issue 84 – Small Green Spaces: The Transition of Urban Green Spaces, Led by the General Public

2019, Curation: “Hyper-China” exhibition at Suzhou Design Week (SuDW)

2020, Publication: Enlivening Suzhou: Design Driven Strategies and Practices (a SuDW chronicle)

2020, Publication: Future Community: Global Wisdom and Six Case Studies on Urban Regeneration, in collaboration with financial publishing organisation Blue Lion

2021, Curation: “New Lili Idea” exhibition at Suzhou Design Week

2021, Curation: "Genealogy of the Future" exhibition at the Beijing Urban and Architecture Biennale

2022, Event: "City X Nature" research and symposium series, in collaboration with Shenzhen Center for Design

2023, Publication: Urban China Issue 93 – In Pursuit of “Future”: A Critical Observation of Chinese Future Community Practices

About Us




通过筹建一个开放、跨学科、上下视角结合的全球性紧密合作研究网络,《城市中国》实现了对城市开发、建成环境等领域问题的持续跟踪与深刻剖析。杂志的顾问和合作课题组包括一系列全球领先的建筑师、规划师、策展人、事务所、高校(如:伦敦大学、UCLA、哥大、HKU、法国领事馆、Go West Project等),以及遍布全球的博、硕青年学者研究网络,形成了一批极富专业内涵又兼具大众传播力的跨国、跨界成果。








2009年,以“Urban China: Informal Cities”登陆纽约新美术馆,参与完成“3M”展览;



2015年(《闹·海》)、2019年(《乐水》)两度参展上海公共空间艺术季(SUSAS);2017年,并受邀编撰2017 SUSAS实践案例展总结图书。





加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)、哥伦比亚大学北京建筑中心、伦敦大学金匠学院(Goldsmiths, University of London)、同济大学、香港大学(HKU)DLA、法国领事馆、Go West Project、苏州国际设计周、深圳市城市设计促进中心、上海城市公共空间设计促进中心、蓝狮子企业研究院等。

