自 2018 年 “公园城市”建设理念提出以来,城市如何与自然、景观相互融合成为一个热门话题。为探讨不同城市的绿色空间营造策略,深圳市规划国土发展研究中心(深圳市城市设计促进中心)策划了“城市×自然”系列活动,《城市中国》参与内容共建,承接了研究文章撰写与专题沙龙共同筹划、主持等工作。通过城市调研、案例分析、交流活动等形式开展,以城市绿色空间作为话题切入点,构筑规划建筑师、管理机构、市民公众的多角色对话平台,推动全链条多环节实践发展。




As the concept of "Park City" has been proposed in 2018, how cities can integrate with nature and landscape has become a hot topic. Shenzhen Center for Design planned a series of activities on "CITY×NATURE" that aims to explore design and construction strategies of green spaces in different cities. As a partner, Urban China is responsible for research articles, joint planning and hosting symposiums. By investigations on cities, case analysis, exchange activities, with urban green space as the topic, a multi-role dialogue platform for planners, architects, management agencies, and the public is constructed, with the purpose of promoting the practice of entire chain that involves multiple components.


From June to September 2022, Urban China wrote six articles by interviews on the theme of "CITY×NATURE", using Shanghai, Chengdu and Hong Kong as case studies. In addition, it organized and hosted three forums on the topics of Parks in City, Responsive Design of Parks, Connection and Reshaping.



CITY X NATURE: Aspects of the Park City







特别支持:赵璟韫 Zoe(《城市中国》第 5 期海外观察员,Base香港)


Cooperation Agency: Shenzhen Center for Design (Website: www.szdesigncenter.com)

Promoter: Gigi Liang

Project Coordinator: Gehry

UCRC Team Members: ZHANG Jingxuan, SONG Dailun, YANG Songfei, TANG Fei

Translator: Arain

Special Acknowledgement: ZHAO Jingyun (Zoe, an overseas observer for Urban China, Issue 5, Hong Kong)


#Future Community


#Future Community

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《无处不“公园”》A City of Parks




In the last century, Shanghai has built many large-scale municipal parks and green spaces. As urban construction is gradually saturated, the shortcomings of traditional centralized parks are highlighted regarding citizens' perceptions and participation, and the construction of new parks tests people's wisdom in creating green spaces in crowded cities. The "park dilemma" faced by large cities like Shanghai has been solved by the potential of its communities. Essentially, it is "infiltration", that is, infiltrating into the residential area and into the daily life in any way possible. As a result of years of exploration and practice, a number of pocket parks, community gardens, and the High Line Park (NYC) have become new highlights of the city.



《百禧公园:城市“剩余空间”的妙用》Caoyang Centennial Park: Reuse of Urban Leftover Spaces






Caoyang Centennial Park, known as Shanghai's High Line Park, is a small park that has been heatedly discussed in recent years. The designer LIU Yuyang intended to transform a long and narrow space formed by the abandoned freight railway with a special design. Considering that the site is surrounded by dense residential areas and schools, it cannot be turned into a pure commercial space. Therefore, the best solution is to make an inclusive public realm that is accessible to all residents.


LIU believes that regenerating fragmented spaces like pocket parks may be able to spread resources and experiences across all domains. Citizen engagement can be greatly enhanced if these spaces are located on every street and in every community. With the creativity and imagination from designers, coupled with governmental support, this will be a promising practice.


















Online Forum: Parks in City


Date: June 30, 2022

Video and Text Review:  (Shenzhen Center for Design)

Text Review: Urban China

The host: Gehry


Linearity & Lineage

LIU Yuyang, Founder/Leading Architect of Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects (ALYA) 


Urban Renewal and People-Oriented Landscape: Social Life in Small Urban Spaces

LI Baozhang, CEO/Chief Designer of L&A Design


Urban Landscape Oriented by Public Value

HUANG Danxia, Co-founder of Zizu Studio


Interview: Click <<


《“公园城市”孵化场》An Incubation Field of "Park City"






First and foremost, "Park City" needs to address the issue of isolated and patchy green spaces. For this purpose, Chengdu proposed the concept of a holistic park system and designed four major municipal park systems to cover the entire urban area. Chengdu's Tianfu Greenway program will connect the entire city with a 16.900- kilometer greenway system. Besides planning a complete greenway system, Chengdu also considers how greenways can be integrated into everyday life, and Jincheng Greenway (a Green Ring ecological park) has been selected as the first experimental site.


It was established in 2012 that the "198 Area"(198 square kilometers of non-construction land that are large but used less effectively has been designated as a belt of ecological isolation to control the expansion of urban spaces) along the fourth ring road will be protected by the Regulations on the Protection of Ecological District in Chengdu. "198 Area" has been transformed into a "Green Ring ecological park", from a "greenway" that served purely as an ecological corridor to a richer landscape with "greenway+" and a "park+".  



《环城生态公园:一个“非典型”公园的实现》Chengdu Green Ring: The Realization of a Non-typical Park




The emergence of Green Ring ecological parks bring about a more modern lifestyle. "I didn't get used to cycling, especially when Chengdu became increasingly bigger, but as greenway across the city, cycling gets back into our daily life and "Cycling Weekends" will become a new way of life," said PAN Xia from Tianfu Greenway. 












钟南 ,华润置地深圳大区城市运营事业部市政配套项目运营负责人



张毅 ,成都市规划设计研究院副总工程师




Online Forum: Responsive Design of Parks


Date: August 2, 2022

Video and Text Review: Click <<

Text Review: Click <<

The host: Gehry


Facing the Sea, Living with the River, Connecting with the Mountains - the Change of Nature is the Change of the City

PAN Yuefeng, Director of AECOM Landscape Design


Dasha River that Witnessing the Course of Time

ZHONG Nan , Head of municipal supporting project operation of China Resources Land Shenzhen Urban Operation Division


Great Strategies in Greenways

ZHANG Yi , Deputy Chief Engineer of Chengdu Institute of Planning and Design


Happy life in Tianfu Greenway

PAN Xia, Chengdu Tianfu Greenway Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Director of the Engineering Office


《“自然大都会”的规划与城市设计》Planning and Urban Design of "Natural Metropolis"






Hong Kong embraces close integration of construction areas and the environment, artificial and natural landscapes ever witnessed. Although it is not the result of spontaneous and free adjustment like the economy but a set of inherited strict planning and design principles.


After World War II, the "Report on Hong Kong" edited by Patrick Abercrombie, the planner of Greater London, set the general tone for Hong Kong's urban development, namely the development of built and natural spaces in a balanced manner, the maintenance of the ecological environment, and restrictions on land use. "Hong Kong 2030+" aims to transform Hong Kong into a natural metropolis by upgrading its blue-green resource system. According to the conceptual spatial framework, the development of corridors and hubs should be focused to form a network of close and complementary functions, and actively managing specific areas of high ecological value. Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG) specifies the connection between recreation and nature, suggests planting trees on slopes whenever possible, and protecting the contour of the ridgeline.



《郊野公园:纠正城规中的“大陆型思维”》Suburban Parks in Hongkong: "Continental Thinking" in Urban Planning




The "mountain-sea-city" model of Hong Kong breaks the planning traditions of mainland cities by utilizing natural elements as the city's "base" so the urban areas are developed in a distributed manner based on the natural elements. Hong Kong's suburban parks are not only a qualification of being a mountain-sea-city, but also the developmental objective. Having developed over decades, suburban parks now encompass a wide range of values, including ecology, childcare, recreation, culture and education, and catchment. In a micro sense, suburban parks serve the needs of citizens and visitors; in a macro sense, they keep the Hong Kong's vision of becoming a sustainable natural metropolis. 












成行,深圳成行建筑设计有限公司 主持建筑师






翁锦程,深圳市规划国土发展研究中心 主任规划师

Online Forum: Connection and Reshaping


Date: September 2, 2022

Video and Text Review: Click <<

Text Review: Click <<

The host: Gehry Guo CUI


Greenway Construction in Hong Kong

Lau Hing Tat Patrick, JP, Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, Chairman of Earthasia International Holdings Limited


Coastal Walkway: A Walking Lifestyle

CHENG Hang , Chief architect of HC Studio(HCS) 


Connecting, Compositing, and Reconstruction: Another Possibility for Infrastructure

CHEN Zetao, Co-founder and Creative Director of FCHA


Using Greenbelts as Vibrant Corridors and Creating Multi-dimensional Open Spaces

WENG Jincheng, Chief planner of Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen (UPDIS)