
● 策展人,城市规划师;中国城市规划学会、国际城市与区域规划师学会(ISOCARP)会员

● 城市八部发起人,《城市中国》杂志执行主编,华都设计(HDD)城乡规划总监


作为《城市中国》负责人之一,他发起了城市中国海外观察员(UCO)计划,建立了一个成员达50余人,遍及全球四大洲各大知名建筑、规划设计类高校的青年研究网络。对城市消费空间、城市更新、未来社区等领域颇有见地。编著有《未来社区》、《创意城市》、《超越城市的商场》、《都市微绿》等8部著作。发表100余篇城市研究领域的专业文章,散见于《华夏地理》、《世界地理研究》、《人文地理》、《住区》、《解放日报》、《澎湃》、《东方早报》、《河北画报》(Hebei Pictorial)、《首发》(Launch)等出版物。

● 作为城乡规划师,他的足迹遍布海内外120余座城市,主持完成了百余个城市及地产开发项目的策划与规划设计工作。


● Founder of URBAN LAB 8, urban planner, curator, member of International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) and Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC)

● Gehry also works with the Urban China magazine as executive editor, and directs the Urban Planning Department at Shanghai HuaDu Architecture & Urban Co., Ltd. (HDD).

● Gehry’s research primarily focuses on urban regeneration, spaces of consumption, and community for future generations. He serves as reviewer for academic journals Landscape Architecture Frontiers(LAF) and World Regional Studies, and editorial board member of Guangzhou Urban Renewal (Journal of Guangzhou Urban Renewal Association). His curation works include exhibitions "Hyper-China" and "New Lili Ideal" for Suzhou Design Week 2019 and 2021, and "Genealogy of the Future" for Beijing Urban and Architecture Biennale 2021. As a team leader at Urban China, he started the “Urban China International Observer” (UCIO) programme, a research network formed by more than 50 outstanding young scholars in architecture and urban planning worldwide. He has edited and co-authored Future Community (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2021), Creative Cities: International Comparative and Choose (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014) and six other books. His researches and writings have been widely published on Chinese media and academic journals, such as Chinese National Geography, World Regional Studies, Human Geography, Design Community, Jiefang Daily, The Paper, Oriental Morning Post, Hebei Pictorial, Launch and many others.

● As a planner, he has travelled to more than 120 cities in China and abroad, leading urban research and design consultancy projects in over 100 cities.




Dailun SONG


● 城市八部研究员,《城市中国》新媒体课题主持,上海浦东新区科幻协会会员

● 宋代伦擅长从考现学和历史谱系的视角观察城市,以批判的眼光审视城市化和城市规划的话语。曾独立策划记录上海嘉兴路社区的作品,并参展2019上海双年展“你的地方”项目。关注城市设计、公共空间、建筑史、当代艺术等方向。信奉“人行道是一座城市最大的良心”。在加入《城市中国》之前,他曾就职于北京大公网、方塘传媒等机构,拥有丰富的政经话题观察经验。在团队中专注于历史理论与批判等方向的观察研究。


Researcher of URBAN LAB 8, member of Shanghai Pudong Science Fiction Association (SHPD-SFA)

Editor at Urban China, responsible for urban study subjects in Urban China’s new media division.

Dailun is a writer and urban enthusiast. Developed a set of research methodology that mixes theoretical and historical approaches with modernology over his years in Urban China, Dailun looks into the discourse of urbanisation and urban planning with sensitivity and critical perspectives. His individual work that recorded the community life of Jiaxing Road in Shanghai was exhibited in the 2019 Shanghai Biennale. With his Jane-Jacob-like quote “sidewalks represent the conscience of a city” that went viral on the internet, he takes general interest in urban design, public space, architectural history, contemporary art and fields alike. Before joining Urban China, he has worked for Ta Kung Pao and FangTang Media in Beijing, specialised in political and economic topics, thus offering URBAN LAB 8 another dimension in its research.




● Unform(奀坊)是城市八部的深度战略合作机构,是一家以文字、图像、建筑为媒介进行城市研究和创作的工作室,曾在《城市中国》开展多个专题研究。Unform认为,所有表达形式(form),都包含由其自身结构、层次、语汇等建立的一套意义系统,当代城市研究总难避免游戏于意义系统中而忘记了寻找意义本身——如愚见指月,观指不观月;计著文字者,不见我真实。Unform试图穿过不同形式语言,立足此时此地,捕捉转译城市中未显化、无形态、非定义的重要事物和关系。


Unform is a partner studio of URBAN LAB 8 that studies urbanisation and contemporary cities through text, image and architecture. Unform believes that behind all forms – all that is created, manifested, present – is a greater consciousness and unity that is unknown, unborn, unmanifested, and unformed. Transpassing the forms of language, image and space, Unform seeks to, in its urban studies, discover and share the ephemeral other than the timeless, life instead of truth, as and only as a witness of the greater unity.




Sophia Songfei YANG

● 国家注册咨询工程师(投资)、注册经济师(房地产),高级地产策划师;城市土地学会(ULI)会员

● 城市八部联合创始人,华都设计(HDD)城乡规划与策划副总监

● 杨松飞拥有设计艺术学专业背景,从事城市开发策划实践工作十余年,完成了国内外近百个城市及地产开发项目的战略定位、策划研究工作,尤其擅长商业地产、城市更新、城市住宅类项目策划。代表项目有北京雁栖湖国际会都、郑州航空港国际化社区、克拉玛依城市土地开发强度控制导则等。此外,主持、参与编制了多部企业产品手册。在团队中专注于城市开发与规划方向的观察研究。


● Co-Founder of URBAN LAB 8, senior real estate consultant, Registered Consulting Engineer (Investment), National Qualified Economics Professional, member of Urban Land Institute (ULI)

● Sophia also serves as deputy director of the Urban Planning Department at Shanghai HuaDu Architecture & Urban Design Co., Ltd. (HDD).

● Graduated with a degree in art and design and gained multiple qualifications since, Sophia has worked as an architecture and urban design consultancy professional for over 10 years. She has completed research and strategic planning work for nearly 100 cities and real estate projects at home and abroad, with expertise in commercial real estate, urban renewal, and residential development. Her significant projects include the APEC Summit Beijing Sunrise Kempinski Hotel, International Community of the Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, and Karamay Urban Land Development Intensity Control Guidelines. In addition, she has supervised and participated in the design of marketing brochures for multiple projects. Her rich professional experience is indispensable to the team’s research and practice in the field of urban planning and development.




Jingxuan ZHANG

● 城市八部研究员,《城市中国》研究员;国际城市与区域规划师学会(ISOCARP)会员

● 张晶轩毕业于同济大学(建筑系)、哈佛大学(GSD)设计研究专业。在批判性保护方向拥有扎实见解与持续观察,关注建成环境背后的社会力量和文化因素研究,并就此以文章、设计、展览等多种形式作为研究方法,展开探讨。其合作作品参展2015上海城市空间艺术季“城市更新”主展览、哈佛设计学院“Home Economics: Refuge in Refuse”主题展。在加入《城市中国》团队之前,她曾于美国华人历史学会博物馆、有方、文筑国际等多家机构学习和就职。在团队中专注于城市更新与批判性保护方向的观察研究。


Researcher of URBAN LAB 8 and Urban China, member of International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP)

Graduated with a BArch degree from Tongji University and an MDes degree from Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), Jingxuan provides the team an in-depth perspective into architectural design and theory, with a general focus on urban regeneration and critical conservation. Paying close attention to the research on social and cultural factors that shapes the built environment, she opens up insightful discussions through writing, design and exhibition. Her collaborative works were exhibited in the 2015 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season, and "Home Economics: Refuge in Refuse" exhibition in Harvard GSD. Before joining Urban China, she has gained diverse work experience from the Chinese Historical Society of America, Position, CA Group and multiple other institutions.





● 城市八部新媒体设计专员,英国设计与艺术指导协会(D&AD)会员

● 唐菲毕业于中国矿业大学。在加入《城市中国》团队后,负责新媒体平台的传播设计。以高质量的“新媒体数字杂志”为目标,对团队输出的文章、音视频、图像图解等研究成果进行再设计,并同时管理团队的全部SNS传播平台体系。此外,她还参与团队各类论坛、展览的策划和执行。信奉“不会弹吉他的板仔不是好厨师!”


• Graphic and user interface designer of URBAN LAB 8, member of Design and Art Direction (D&AD)

• Fei graduated from China University of Mining and Technology. After working for Urban China as a designer responsible for the magazine’s digital publications, she has become an important asset to URBAN LAB 8, offering high-quality design and processing work for the team's articles, diagrams, audios and videos. She also operates the team's SNS accounts. As a member of the “slash generation” that champions living life to its fullest through multiple interests and talents, Fei passionately participates in the planning and grounding of various URBAN LAB 8 activities including forums and exhibitions.




Why Not Studio




● Why Not Studio is a strategic partner of URBAN LAB 8. Born in Shanghai in 2020, the studio aims to push the boundaries of art and design by raising the concept of "scientific design" that highlights the role of in-depth research behind creative design. With design orientations in urbanisation, ecology, and brand marketing, the team has established a set of visual communication methods developed on scientific illustration and diagram. The studio has carried out multiple researches and practices across disciplines, experimenting with diverse topics and expanding its design vocabulary through the inspiration and experience gained from each project.


Research Network

城市八部研究网络,核心依托《城市中国》海外观察员计划(Urban China International Observer,UCIO)建立。这一计划由《城市中国》执行主编、城市八部创始成员崔国发起,是《城市中国》围绕“全球视野,中国目光”这一目标的具体实践。自2016年1月首次发声至今,这一项目已招募6期(每年一期),包含来自全球20座城市、25所知名高校的总计54名青年学者,搭建了一个充满活力、视角多元的高水准海外青年学者交流平台。此研究网络由城市八部团队负责日常维护,海外观察员与城市八部团队持续开展了形式多样的专业合作,例如文章撰写、沙龙讨论、学术研究、展览策划、图书出版等,完成了一批卓尔不群的专业成果、项目。这一项目,以锐意激昂、笃慎、国际的态度,成为中国城市研究领域最成功的观察研究项目之一。


