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093 未来社区

未来社区 中国式未来社区的批判性观察

In Pursuit of “Future”: A Critical Observation of Chinese Future Community Practices   (2023.01)




In 2019, the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission announced a pilot programme for the implementation of the ‘future community’ concept. In early 2022, Zhejiang Province issued a province-wide call for future community practices, concurring the completion of the early pilot projects. ‘Future community’ is not an academic concept but one proposed by the state for the grounding of multiple urban strategies. The word ‘future’ is used as an adjective that loosely describes ‘better’, and the term ‘community’ carries a nostalgic image of the collective units before China’s market reform. However, as this concept becomes increasingly prevalent in real estate development, it has also become a handy term for strengthening technocratic urban governance. Thus it is perhaps instructive to reinvestigate the essential meanings and development potentials behind the term. Issue 93 hopes to present critical observations and discussions around the topic through five dimensions – time, space, nature, technology, and organisation – while a series of questions have been raised and re-examined: What are the deep-seated problems in our current communities? What are the fundamental criteria of future communities? What methods could be introduced into future community practices? This issue also incorporates insights from anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, and other fields apart from architecture and urban planning to broaden our scope into the subject.












Main Contributors:

○WU Zhiqiang, Professor at the College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Former Vice President of Tongji University; Academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

○LUO Xiaoming, Associate Researcher at the Department of Cultural Studies, Shanghai University.

○ZHANG Li, Professor at the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis.

○YANG Chen, Associate Professor at the College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University.

○LI Limei, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, East China Normal University.

○MAO Mingrui, Founder of Beijing City Quadrant Technology (UrbanXYZ); Director of Beijing Community Research Center.

○YANG Xiaodi, Co-founder and COO of XKool Technology.

○LU Andong, Professor, Associate Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University.




[责编统筹]张晶轩 宋代伦


[课题组成员]崔国 张晶轩 宋代伦 宋雅婷 倪瑜遥 袁菁 周艺娴 李宇昆(实习)丁馨怡


[城市中国研究中心] 李娟 崔国 黄正骊 丁馨怡 宋代伦 杨松飞 唐菲 张晶轩


[Director of Editorial Office] TAN Jianning

[Executive Editor] CUI Guo

[Managing Editor] ZHANG Jingxuan, SONG Dailun

[Designer] why not studio

[Editorial Team] CUI Guo, ZHANG Jingxuan, SONG Dailun, SONG Yating, NI Yuyao, YUAN Jing, DING Xinyi, LI Yukun (Intern)

[Urabn China Research Center] LI Juan, CUI Guo, HUANG Zhengli, DING Xinyi, SONG Dailun, YANG Songfei, TANG Fei, ZHANG Jingxuan