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090 超大城市青年人居住


Young People Living in Mega Cities: Shifting of Dwelling Demands and Boundaries  (2021.10)


近年来,一系列居住议题已经在不断的讨论与实践中持续发酵——城市密度的攀升、过高的生活成本与难以承受的高房价、理想居住空间与现实之间的落差、 次元空间与实体空间的感知转换、传统观念与新生代思维的冲击等。中国大城市的居住问题,一定意义上主要是城市青年的住房问题。大城市青年人居住不仅是单纯的民生问题,同时是构成城市综合竞争力的基础考量。《超大城市青年人居住》课题希望真实、客观地呈现当今大城市青年人的居住状态,探讨青年居住与其社交模式的特征与偏好;以多类别案例分析的方式,为学者和社区研究者提供参考,希望促进更多以青年人为切入点的社区建设研究与实践。


Over the years, there has been ongoing discussion and practices around various housing issues, such as the increasing urban density, high living costs and unaffordable housing prices, disparities between ideal and actual living spaces, interplay between virtual and physical space, and the changing idea of urban living among younger generations. In China's major cities, the housing discourse predominantly revolves around housing issues for the urban youth, which affects not only their livelihood but also the city's overall competitiveness. To shed light on the living conditions of young people in today's large cities and explore their living preferences and social patterns, the 90th issue seeks to present a truthful and objective portrayal through case studies across various housing types, and to provide references for academics and practitioners, and moreover, encourage more stakeholders to get involved in the community building for the urban youth.