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089 浦东侬好


Hello Pudong: The Second Phase of Development after 30 Years  (2021.03)




Pudong has established a unique urban development model driven by an alliance of the state and enterprises, which uses urban planning as an instrument for zoning and land development that resulted in the formation of a fan-shaped urban morphology, with Lujiazui, Gaoqiao, Jinqiao, Zhangjiang, Caohejing, and Liuli as nodes. In just three decades, Pudong has developed at an impressive ‘Pudong speed’ and achieved a ‘Pudong height’ through three stages: construction, completion, and upgrading. Looking ahead , in order to realise the national concept of ‘people's city’, Pudong’s urban planning philosophy will shift towards a more people-centred approach other than solely focusing on the built environment. Primarily focusing on the ‘golden central development belt’ – an area that brings together major projects including the Jinding World, Jinqiao Sub-center, and Hudong Shipyard – Pudong’s economic scale and construction volume will double. More attention should be paid to the quality of its social development.