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087 中国海外产业园


China's Overseas Industrial Parks: Reflections on the Going Out of Industrial Clusters   (2020.02)




The internationalisation of Chinese companies meets the era of industrial globalisation, and it has been guided by a series of strategies such as the ‘Going Out’ policy, the ‘International Capacity Cooperation’ model, the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative. As a result, the global supply chain has expanded from China’s Pearl River Delta, one known as the ‘world factory’, to other parts of the world where Chinese investment and ‘made in China’ have taken root. This sees the rise of Chinese overseas industrial parks. The growth of Chinese overseas industrial parks reflects a shift in the global production pattern, as well as the need for structural transformation in newly industrialising countries and China's own industrial upgrading. China's investment in these parks has facilitated the ‘going global’ of Chinese industrial clusters and played a significant role in global resource allocation. In retrospect of its unique process in the global context and rich experience gained, the 87th issue explores the relationship between industrial parks and the global industrial chain, provides critical reflection on China's experience, and discusses its impact on local development.