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084 都市微绿


Small Green Spaces: The Transition of Urban Green Spaces, Led by the General Public   (2018.10)




Urban greenery provides both physical and mental wellness to city residents, as supported by researches in the fields of psychology and architecture. The design of urban green spaces has been a popular topic ever since the completion of New York's Central Park in the 1860s. With unprecedented speed and scale of urbanisation, contemporary discussions about urban green spaces focus on their role in high-density cities. In what scale and what form urban green space can be instrumentalise as an infrastructure worth further inquiry. The 84th issue takes a more intimate perspective on urban dwellers' needs in a defined historical and geographical context, and focuses on the multiple dimensions of green space practices. Architects, planners, authorities, developers, scholars, NGOs, artists, and media all contribute to the topic by sharing observations, studies, and practical experiences of urban green space design in global and local contexts, providing a cross-disciplinary and multi-participant scope into the discourse.




Frances Morris,泰特现代美术馆馆长。

Andrew Brewerton,普利茅斯艺术设计学院院长和首席执行。


Christian Nolf,西交利物浦大学城市规划与设计系副教授,西交利物浦大学城市化研究所负责人。


Kelly Shannon,比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven) 工程学院建筑系教授。


Steffen Nijhuis,代尔夫特科技大学景观设计研究主任;EMU主任;建筑与环境学院副教授。

Valerie Beirne,都市森林项目执行主任、Better Bankside团队负责人。


Main Contributors:

○ROAN Ching-yueh, Taiwanese writer, architect, curator; Professor at the Department of Art & Design, Yuan Ze University.

○Frances Morris, Director of Tate Modern.

○Andrew Brewerton, Principal, Chief Executive of Plymouth College of Art.

○JIANG Peng, Registered Urban Planner; Director, Senior Urban Planner of China Center for Urban Development (CCUD), National ○Development and Reform Commission.

○Christian Nolf, Assistant Professor at Wageningen University; he had taught in Politecnico di Milano, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, ○K.U.Leuven, and IUAVenezia.

○ZHANG Dou, Director of Sasaki Shanghai office. Professor, Programme Director of Master of Human Settlements and Master of Urbanism, ○Landscape and Planning, at KU Leuven

○XIAO Yang, Associate Professor at the College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University.

○Steffen Nijhuis, Head of the Section Landscape Architecture, Research Leader of the Department of Urbanism, Associate Professor of ○Landscape Architecture, at Delft University of Technology.

○Valerie Beirne, Bankside Urban Forest Manager at Better Bankside; Founder of Where Pathways Meet.


[课题统筹] 谭健宁

[课题主持] 崔国 刘杰尘

[责编统筹] 谭健宁 

[美术设计] 成国强 沈玮

[课题组成员] 赵忞 佟鑫 袁菁 李娟 陈晨 丁馨怡 宋代伦 崔国 刘杰尘 张炜仑 沈玮 刘雅妮 王卉 王馨 宋雅婷 潘晔(实习生)

[城市中国研究中心] 李娟 崔国 黄正骊 丁馨怡 宋代伦 张炜仑 杨松飞 王卉 宋雅婷 刘雅妮 王馨


[Director of Editorial Office] TAN Jianning

[Executive Editor] CUI Guo

[Managing Editor] LIU Jiechen

[Designer] CHENG Guoqiang, SHEN Wei

[Editorial Team] ZHAO Min, TONG Xin, YUAN Jing, LI Juan, CHEN Chen, DING Xinyi, SONG Dailun, CUI Guo, LIU Jiechen, ZHANG Weilun, SHEN Wei, WANG Hui, WANG Xin, SONG Yating, PAN Ye (Intern)

[Urabn China Research Center] LI Juan, CUI Guo, HUANG Zhengli, DING Xinyi, SONG Dailun, ZHANG Weilun, YANG Songfei, WANG Hui, SONG Yating, LIU Yani, WANG Xin