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083 温州在哪


Wenzhou: The Prospect of Urban Development under Late Modernization   (2018.06)




It is undeniable that China’s reform and opening has brought prosperity and garnered worldwide attention. The 40th anniversary of reform and opening up is an important milestone, prompting us to review urban development over the decades. Specifically, medium-sized cities, or ‘second-tier cities’, have their own unique advantages, such as location, resources, and industries, but they are less attractive compared to first-tier cities in terms of urban development, industry, human capital, and creative capacity. These cities are generally striving to break through territorial boundaries to gain more growth opportunities and radiative power. As a typical sample, Wenzhou has, historically, developed its unique economic growth model known as the ‘Wenzhou Model’ – despite limited natural and transportation conditions, Wenzhou's business acumen and community culture has helped it become a shining example of success in the early years of China’s reform and opening up. However, after the turn of the millennium, the excessive degree of cohesion between several growth factors such as folk industry, local capital, and local identity, has hindered the city's progress in urbanisation. This issue takes Wenzhou as a case study to discuss how breakthroughs could be made in medium-sized cities.










○Christian Nolf,西交利物浦大学城市规划与设计系副教授, 西交利物浦大学城市化研究所负责人。



Main Contributors:

○WANG Zhouyang, Ph.D Human Geography (East China Normal University); Urban Planner at Shanghai Urban Planning & Design Research Institute.

○SHEN Congle, Senior Writer, Digital Product Director at CBNweekly; Leader of The Rising Lab.

○SHAO Bo, Senior Urban Planner, Deputy Chief Urban Planner at Zhejiang Urban and Rural Planning Design Institute.

○WU Qianbo, Ph.D Human Geography (East China Normal University); Associate Professor at the Department of Urban Planning, Zhejiang University of Technology.

○LIN Yongxin, Chief Urban Planner at the Green City Research Institute, China Academy of Urban Planning and Design; Chief Urban Planner of the Wenzhou Masterplan central city area.

○HUANG Weidong, Executive Vice President, Deputy Chief Urban Planner, and Director of Urban Design at Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen.

○ZHONG Chong, Professor at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University.

○Christian Nolf, Assistant Professor at Wageningen University; he had taught in Politecnico di Milano, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, K.U.Leuven, and IUAVenezia.

○PANG Qin, Director, Head of Shanghai Studio at Benoy Limited.


[课题统筹] 谭健宁

[课题主持] 崔国

[责编统筹] 谭健宁

[美术设计] 成国强 沈玮

[课题组成员] 赵忞 佟鑫 袁菁 李娟 陈晨 王卉 崔国 丁馨怡 宋代伦 代宏扣 宋雅婷 刘雅妮 解立群 顾怡(实习生)

[封面设计] 沈玮

[城市中国研究中心] 李娟 崔国 解立群 丁馨怡 宋代伦 黄正骊 王卉 王馨 杨松飞 刘雅妮 宋雅婷 冯雨晴


[Director of Editorial Office] TAN Jianning

[Executive Editor] CUI Guo

[Designer] CHENG Guoqiang, SHEN Wei

[Editorial Team] ZHAO Min, TONG Xin, YUAN Jing, LI Juan, CHEN Chen, WANG Hui, CUI Guo, DING Xinyi, SONG Dailun, DAI Hongkou, SONG Yating, LIU Yani, XIE Liqun, GU Yi (Intern)

[Urabn China Research Center] LI Juan, CUI Guo, XIE Liqun, DING Xinyi, SONG Dailun, HUANG Zhengli, WANG Hui, WANG Xin, YANG Songfei, LIU Yani, SONG Yating, FENG Yuqing