2020年,突如其来的新冠疫情,一度使得习惯了持续“加速”的国人不得不给生活按下“减速”键,乃至暂停键。疫情影响持续数年,远超人们一开始的预期,也深刻影响了多数中国人的生活、工作,并且在逐步重塑人们对于未来的预期。然而,“加速”的习惯并未远去,只是摇身一变换了一种形态继续存在于你我体内。单从人们在新冠疫情出现没多久,就迫不及待地讨论所谓“后疫情”时代的发展,便可见一斑。 某种意义上,“加速”本身就是一种中国城市化的叙事。基于这一认识,我们同UCCA合作,于2021年在UCCA EDGE举办了《超·中国:大运河+高铁的城市化加速叙事》沙龙。摘取《超·中国》展览中画轴、装置、影像等内容,对“大运河+高铁”沿线的若干具体地点、故事进行解说,并试图以此与疫情影响下的城市展开一场隐性对话。


In 2020, the sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed the Chinese down after decades of ‘acceleration’. Disrupting life in an unanticipated long time, the pandemic has profoundly reshaped Chinese people's expectations for the future. With ‘acceleration’ being an ingrained old habit for most Chinese, that the pandemic brings daily life to a grinding halt has accumulated huge energy within the society – people already cannot wait to discuss plans for the ‘post-pandemic’ shortly after the outbreak. In a sense, ‘acceleration’ is a narrative of China's urbanisation. Building on this, in 2021, Urban China organised a symposium with the UCCA Center for Contemporary Art at UCCA EDGE, titled ‘Hyper-China – The Narratives of Urban Acceleration: Grand Canal & High-speed Rail’. A public conversation on cities under pandemic was opened following an introduction and discussion of the Hyper-China exhibition work and the in-depth field research behind it.




UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心是中国领先的当代艺术机构。秉持艺术可以深入生活、并改善生活的理念,UCCA每年为超过百万的观众带来丰富的艺术展览、公共项目和研究计划。UCCA Edge为UCCA三座场馆中的一座,由纽约SO – IL建筑事务所设计,于2021年5月在上海静安区对公众开放。UCCA致力于通过当代艺术,推动中国更深入地参与到全球对话之中。



UCCA Center for Contemporary Art is China’s leading contemporary art institution. Committed to the belief that art can deepen lives and transcend boundaries, UCCA presents a wide range of exhibitions, public programs, and research initiatives to a public of more than one million visitors each year across three locations. UCCA Edge, designed by New York-based architecture firm SO – IL, opened in Shanghai in May 2021. UCCA works to bring China into global dialogue through contemporary art.





10 Aug 2021






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