《纽约学》这本书,是作者黄致钧将他在纽约求学的时候,积累的素材整理出版。这本书的内容由四部分构成。第一部分主要讲了作者对各个区域的认知,包含三不管地带如“Chinatown”、小东京、村子里的跨国企业、克里斯多弗街(Christopher Street)、韩国城(Koreatown)、百老汇等等。第二部分是作者在纽约这座城市的一些奇遇和他的认知,比如地铁社会学、地铁奇遇记、街头对峙、计程车政治学还有我的曼哈顿概论。第三部分是作者记录的一些人群的状态,比如说族群分工、独立咖啡馆经济学、变脸的店员和初次约会等等。最后一部分是在作者认知里对特定个体的记录,包含了法国女子的咖啡馆、法国男子的咖啡馆、卢老板的中国快餐馆、还有作者的朋友威尔、管理员沃德先生以及偷过作者金融时报的偷报贼。最后以“甜酸大苹果”一文作为整本书的结尾。
The book New-Yorkology, authored by Huang Zhi-Jun, is written from a series of experiences and materials collected when the Taiwanese writer was studying in New York. The first part of the four-chaptered book talks about the writer's observation of various areas, including enclaves in the city such as Chinatown, Little Tokyo, multinational corporations in the villages, Christopher Street, Koreatown, Broadway, and so forth. The second part opens with the author’s adventures in New York city that were later recapitulated as subway sociology, subway adventure, street conflict, taxi politics and Manhattan-ology 101. The third chapter documented the people and communities of the city, written on the observation of the city’s ethnic division of labor, of café economics, servers and hostesses that judge customers, and New Yorkers’ first dates. The last part is written in the narratives of individual New Yorkers, including that of a French female café owner, a French male café owner, Mr. Lu the owner of a Chinese fast food restaurant, the author's friend Will, Mr. Ward the security guard, and the thief that stole the author’s Financial Times newspaper. The book concludes with the article ‘The Big Apple – Sweet and Sour’.
The book is page-turner with about 200 pages and a number of high-quality pictures taken by the author that bring readers to New York. In short, the book provides a Chinese dweller’s perspective into New York and brings out the idea that a city could be studied as a course.
In this episode, we discuss the idea of personal identity in city life behind the book New-Yorkology.
Wechat Article: New-Yorkology——The Contradiction and Redemption of New Yorkers
Book Reviewer: CUI Guo
Video & Audio Editing: TANG Fei
14 April 2022
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